Wednesday, March 30, 2011

How Much Do Pearl Earrings Sell For

Implementation Patterns (WORKSHOP)

Well enclose lines of code in which I believe are present Iterator design patterns and the Interpreter.

Iterator Pattern

 System.out.println ("Inventory list \\ n"); 
imprimir.list.iterator Iterator iter = () / / traverse the list of names of stored products and print
while (iter.hasNext ())
System.out.println ("Name:" + ());
Iterator iter = ();
while (itera.hasNext ()) / / through the list of ID's saved and printed
System.out.println ("ID:" + ());
iterac = imprimir.listcant.iterator
Iterator ();
while (iterac.hasNext ()) / / through the list of quantities of products stored and printed
System.out.println ("Available:" + ());
iteration = imprimir.listprice
Iterator. iterator (); / / Down the list of prices for goods stored and printed
while (iteraci.hasNext ())
System.out.println ("Unit Price:" + ());}

Here} iterators touring show data structures to see if there is information stored and then print the information.

------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------
-------------- Interpreter Pattern

 public class Product {public 

String name;
private int ID, Quantity; / / Named attributes to add products
private float price;

list = new ArrayList (); / / generate lists of data that we store
List list = new ArrayList (); / / List the inventory
listcant = new ArrayList ();
List listprice = new ArrayList ();
protected void

ingproducto () / / method which accede to enter
{Integer ID = new Integer ( 0), / / \u200b\u200bcreate an object to store integer data
Float Price = new Float (0); / / create a data object to store a floating
read = new Scanner (;

System.out.println ("Product Data Entry);
System . out.println ("============================="); / / menu of options for discharging a product
System.out.println ("Enter the Name->");
lectura.nextLine Name = () / / save the name
list.add (name) / / add to the list
System.out. println ("Enter Product ID->");
ID = lectura.nextInt () / / save the ID
listid.add (ID) / / add to the list
System.out.println ("Enter the number of products available->");
Quantity = reading . nextInt (); / / save the amount
listcant.add (Quantity) / / add to the list
System.out.println ("Enter the Product Price->");
lectura.nextFloat Price = (); / / keep the price
listprice.add (Price) / / add to the list


Since only found in the java API declaration lists for String data types, create objects that would allow me to save and read data types integer and floating it as a specialized language, as originally stated was not the case.

Nintendo Club Reward Point Generator

Patterns (CLASS)

Hello, I comment on this entry design patterns, which I understood, contains or can be implemented in my project.

First of all define what a design pattern.

"A design pattern is a solution to a design problem. For a solution is considered an employer must possess certain characteristics. One of them is that there must be proven effective in solving similar problems past. Another is to be reusable, which means that it is applicable to different design problems in different circumstances. "

Now, in the next picture is my class diagram, point out what I consider design patterns can be seen in my classes .

identify patterns that can be or are used and the Interpreter Iterator .

Defined by Wikipedia:
--------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------------

"The Iterator design pattern defines an interface that declares methods for sequentially accessing a set of objects in a collection. Some of the methods that can be defined in the Iterator interface are:
First (), Next (), Hayman () and ElementoActual ()

This design pattern allows to cover a data structure without having to know the internal structure the same.

in java eg
"An iterator is the resource for travel collections. The iterator always knows where the next element. Some of you know where the previous item. I mean, who can recognize the library in both directions." -------------------------------------------------
-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------

The Interpreter design pattern , is used to define a language for representing regular expressions that represent strings to look into other chains. Moreover, in general, to define a language to represent the different instances of a family of problems.

------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------

considered now explain why these patterns:

Iterator Pattern
, because the products are stored in lists, for printing is to use an iterator that loops through las listas buscando información alojada y si la encuentra, la imprime a la pantalla.

El patrón Interpreter , es debido a que tuve que crear objetos que me reconocieran los tipos de datos enteros y flotantes y poder generar las listas de productos, y así pueda guardar e imprimir cadenas de datos.

Cualquier comentario o corrección es bien recibida, honestamente no le entendí muy bien a este tema.


Thursday, March 24, 2011

Filmes De Travestis Oline

Part of my Project Progress

Buenos Días, aquí les adjunto el código y algunas capturas de pantalla del avance que llevo en mi proyecto.
Por el momento cuento con un menú con 3 opciones Agregar Productos, Mostrar Listado, Salir.

La Clase Grocery main, here is the main menu options to access the system.

java.util.Scanner import;
{public class

public static void main (String [] args) / / main function {
read = new Scanner (; / / declaration of the scanner to read the data entered by the keyboard

Product Name = new Product (); / / create a class object to bind the Grocery with Product Inventory
print = new Inventory (); / / create an object to link the class with Inventory
int op = 0, / / \u200b\u200bthis variable controls the choice of program you want to access the

System.out.println ("Warehouse Cuellar") System.out.println
{System.out.println ("Choose one
:..."); System.out.println (" [1 ] To Enter Products-> ") / / menu of options
System.out.println (" [2] Show Inventory -> ");
System.out.println (" [3] To Finish ") ;

{op = ();}

while (op! = 1 & & op! = 2 & & op! = 3);
switch (op)

{case 1: Nombre.ingproducto ();
case 2: imprimir.printlist (Name),
case 3: System.out.println ("End Program"); \u200b\u200b

} while (op! = 3);}


Then there's the Product class that is responsible for receiving data for generating the inventory of products sold in the business.

import java.util .*;
import java.lang .*;

public class Product {public

String name;
private int ID, Quantity / / named attributes to add products
private float price;

list = new ArrayList (); / / generate lists of data that we store
List list = new ArrayList (); / / List the inventory
listcant = new ArrayList ();
List listprice = new ArrayList ();
protected void

ingproducto () / / method which accede to enter
{Integer ID = new Integer (0); / / create an object to store integer data
Float price = new Float (0); / / create a data object to store a floating
reading = new Scanner (;

System.out.println ("Product Data Entry);
System.out.println ("================= ============"); / / Menu of options for discharging a product
System.out.println ("Enter the Name->");
lectura.nextLine Name = () / / save the name
list.add (Name ) / / add to the list
System.out.println ("Enter Product ID->");
lectura.nextInt ID = () / / save the ID
listid.add (ID); / / add to the list
System.out.println ("Enter the number of products available->");
lectura.nextInt Quantity = (); / / save the amount
listcant.add (Quantity) / / add
the list System.out.println ("Enter the Product Price->");
lectura.nextFloat Price = () / / keep the price
listprice.add (Price) / / add to the list


And finally there is the Inventory class, responsible for generating and storing the list of products added since the option to add and is accessed from the main menu to access the inventory that has been generated so far.

import java.util .*;
public class

{static void

printList (Product print) {/ / static method for product entries from
/ / and print, is also the method to access the inventory listing generated

System.out.println ( "Inventory List \\ n");
imprimir.list.iterator Iterator iter = (); / / through the list of names of stored products and print
while (iter.hasNext ())
System.out.println (" Name: "+ ());
Iterator iter = ();
while (itera.hasNext ()) / / go the list of ID's saved and printed
System.out.println ("ID:" + ());
iterac = imprimir.listcant.iterator
Iterator ();
while (iterac.hasNext ()) / / through the list of quantities of products stored and printed
System.out.println ("Available:" + ());
iteration = imprimir.listprice.iterator
Iterator (); / / through the list of prices saved and printed products
while (iteraci.hasNext ())
System.out.println ("Unit Price:" + ());

herewith a Screenshots with building and running the program.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

What Happen To Girbaud

Video Presentation

That so, here's the youtube link to the video explaining UML diagrams for my project. Greetings

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Waldorf And Statler On A Bench

Project Diagrams and Sequence Diagrams of UML Class (Workshop)

The Software which you use to generate code from class diagram was the Umbrello. Here

a snapshot of the class diagram in Umbrello:

Now generate the code from the diagram:
First of all we must create a directory in which Umbrello can save the generated code, I would recommend do it on your desktop, to access it easier.

Once you create the directory back to Umbrello, we will go to the top toolbar click Settings, Configure we will Umbrello UML Modeller ... and we click the Code Generation tab, it will display this:

select Java language or who are using, now in the Folders section on the "Write all generated files to folder" then put the address in which is housed the directory created above, the rest is left untouched and Finally they click Ok.

They go to the Desktop or the direction you initially saved Folder and must appear that generated classes in your diagram:

; And this is the code that I generated Umbrello for each class:

Clase Grocery:


import java.util.*;

* Class Grocery
public class Grocery {

// Fields

// Constructors
public Grocery () { };

// Methods

// Accessor methods

// Other methods

public void menu( )


Para Product:


import java.util.*;

* Class Product
public class Product {

// Fields

public int ID;
public float price;
public int quantity;
public String description;

// Constructors
public Product () { };

// Methods

// Accessor methods

* Set the value of ID
* @param newVar the new value of ID
public void setID ( int newVar ) {
ID = newVar;

* Get the value of ID
* @return the value of ID
public int getID ( ) {
return ID;

* Set the value of price
* @param newVar the new value of price
public void setPrice ( float newVar ) {
price = newVar;

* Get the value of price
* @return the value of price
public float getPrice ( ) {
return price;

* Set the value of quantity
* @param newVar the new value of quantity
public void setQuantity ( int newVar ) {
quantity = newVar;

* Get the value of quantity
* @return the value of quantity
public int getQuantity ( ) {
return quantity;

* Set the value of description
* @param newVar the new value of description
public void setDescription ( String newVar ) {
description = newVar;

* Get the value of description
* @return the value of description
public String getDescription ( ) {
return description;

// Other methods

public void add( )

public void modify( )

public void delete( )


Para Inventory:

import java.util.*;

* Class Inventory
public class Inventory {

// Fields

// Constructors
public Inventory () { };

// Methods

// Accessor methods

// Other methods

public void makelist( )

public void printlist( )


Para Purchase:

import java.util.*;

* Class Purchase
public class Purchase extends Inventory {

// Fields

// Constructors
public Purchase () { };

// Methods

// Accessor methods

// Other methods

public void search( )

* / public void
purchase () {

} / **
* /
public void calculate () {


code that I will analyze and develop programming for my project.

Yamaha Wave Runner Vx Deluxe

Diagrams Class and Sequence UML (CLASS)

Class diagram for my project:

Explanation: My main class is Grocery, it will find the interface or menu main in which the administrator will access the various management options and control of products and business inventories.
After the Product class is where you add, modify and delete products, this is linked with the Inventory class because each product that is added is stored in the Inventory class.
class inventory, where staying is added products and Purchase class inherits, class in which the administrator generates customer orders and such kind in addition to being the daughter of inventory has a relationship with her at the time of searching products and be able to give a quote and / or message whether or not the order.

corresponding sequence diagram for my project.
Explanation: The program begins in the classroom Grocery, then moves on to the stage to add a product to add it binds and keeps the inventory and return to the Menu, to finish adding products can access the Purchase Option, to place an order, it reads the data and look if you have needed to make the sale and we return the answer.

At the moment these are the methods I consider most critical to achieving the goal of my project.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Male Intimate Tattoo Gentitals

Class and Sequence Diagrams of UML (CLASS) (INPUT 1 / 2) Technical Specification

Class Diagram

A class diagram is a type of static diagram describes the structure of a system showing classes, attributes and relationships between them. Class diagrams are used during the process of analysis and systems design, which creates the conceptual design of the information will be handled in the system, and the component that handles the operation and the relationship between the two.

Class Diagram Example:


This diagram corresponds to a game, so I see a game of cowboys that think you do not know lol.

As you can see, the game consists of 5 classes, Character, Cowboy, Cow Close, Game.

Character class has 4 attributes or variables of Instance-bmps I guess is some of the graphics or images representing such characters.
- Current position: tuple, the tuple is because the program may be using some graph that will have to go places has pizado recognizing that the character in order to define that place is by Pizar.
- speed is a float I guess this is going to control the frames / second that will move the character
-state is a whole state can control or identify when the character is moving or when the person is at rest.

methods are there in this class are all public: move the character, drawing the character, change status, detect collision.

The Cowboy and Cow classes have an inheritance relationship with the character class, attributes that are shared are the positions (which are private attributes) where are these initial and final. Vaquero

Class has an attribute called address that I is responsible for the possible routes or destinations that you can use this to move, while Class Vaca handled as an initial position and destination where the cows will be possessions in one place and always move equally well Vaca class has two public attributes sisters which is an instance to generate more cows and fencing that is an instance to generate a fence to surround these or serve as an obstacle. Close

Class has 2 attributes that are also tuples initial position and final position and a method that is to create a default position for the fences. Finally

Class Game class that derives from all the others, the diamonds without filling ratio which means a type of aggregation by reference (the lifetime of the object contained is independent of that supplied). But in general, the Game class is very important in implementing the game because without a difficulty level, the program will always yield the same level and not that this attribute can be developed more broadly the features and implementations of other classes .


A very good tutorial on class diagrams:
psalinas ~ / uml / model . html