Friday, February 25, 2011

Sacramento Dog Teeth Cleaning

Training Workshops for parents. Guía de Isora.

  • The role of the family in sexual affective education. Isabel Mora Fernandez, psychologist
  • 10 reasons to defend public education Canaria. Mary Boland, teacher. Member of the Initiative in Defence of Public Education Canaria.
  • Screening of a documentary.

Cultural Center, Guia de Isora, Tenerife. Friday, 25 February
17h. to 20h.

:: Ayuntamiento de Guía de Isora - Area Community Action.
: AMPA the head. CEIP La Cumbrita
: Canario Training Plan for the Family
:: Gobierno de Canarias - Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports.

View larger map

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Acoustic Solutions Tv Turns Itself Off

my Project (SHOP) Project Presentation

Technical Specification.

■ Introduction.

The project I decided to make a Management and Production System a business of cleaning for the home (can apply to other businesses as well.)

■ What is the project?

In developing a simple yet effective to help the micro-entrepreneur in the administration of the products it sells and the production thereof. It is intended that the system takes orders from customers and notifies them if they come to be taking into account the materials and / or products that you count, inventory updates, pricing and go well with this data to generate statistics such van sales, which products sell more than products not sold, so that the business owner makes decisions about the future of it, which must continue to sell for more profit and keep climbing in the market or what to remove .

■ Advantages using System

Among the advantages that will use this system are:

► Manage inventory of well-sorted and classified. ►
Better management of the business to know the gains that are obtained and / or losses. ►
Reduce the waiting time of confirmation of order from a customer. ►
Easy access to the system to abandon the need to hire a professional. ►
system flexibility to accommodate different types of businesses.

■ Development of the project.

► Tools System development.

This project is planned for development of Ubuntu Linux due to the wide range of development tools and applications that account to make kinder the programming process.
language that Java will be scheduled due to any number of libraries that can be useful that you can also develop graphical interfaces simply import a library and without having to install external packages how in the case of other languages Object Oriented Programming.

Development Methodology

Initially I have a class called Product. Product
will add and modify everything about them, name, features, price, etc.. I also think it will be convenient
three classes, Inventory, Order and Statistics.

Inventory: is where you store materials and / or existing products would initially be generated in a. Txt and then could move to a SQL database.

Order: will manage customer products and link them to the inventory, thus giving the green light to the completion of the sale or el cliente tiene que esperar para que le sean entregados sus productos.

Estadística: su función será más que nada tomar toda la información que se haya generado de los pedidos y realizará estadísticas acerca de utilidades, perdidas, costos de producir más, etc que el dueño podrá revisar para determinar si debe cambiar algo, seguir igual o idear alguna idea nueva de promoción del negocio.

En la siguiente etapa , cuando ya esten bien estructuradas esas clases iniciales, vendrá la etapa de pruebas para verificar que cada clase, métodos y atributos esten funcionando de manera correcta y eficiente de lo contrario habra que correct the errors presented, in the case where the base of the project is working perfectly, you could do an open survey among the same co-workers or better yet, apply such a survey people who are mixed up in the middle (micro) for see another kind of process would be desirable to add and / or optimize the system development and ultimately the project will be for them.

Then in the next and penultimate stage will engage in appearance and presentation give the system a good simple graphical interface that is easy access and navigation for the convenience of the user who will handle the system.

Finally, would the last stage, the stage of promotion.

What will such a stage?
In presenting the draft system to people who have their business and want to optimize the management and production system for your business, assess the situation and the interest of the customer who wants to acquire the system to suit your needs and can use in your business as soon as possible.

■ Conclusions

In conclusion, I am very excited about the development of this project will be key in my development as a programmer, I hope to complete it successfully and can help micro-enterprise society in the city since this system is thought of them, like me who are developing and seeking to become major producers of what they do.

Project Manager:
Adam Jesus Silva Cuellar

Where Did Denise Milani Go


Here I attached the presentation of my project.

Monday, February 21, 2011

How To Reset Pin On Bluetooth Mouse

Con Lourdes en Villa Maria del Triunfo

Thursday, February 17, 2011

La Braga Metalica Trailer


Aquí está la representación de la documentación de la Clase Producto de mi programa.

Como lo mencione en entradas pasadas, modificaría considerablemente el diseño de mi código y adjunto aquí algo de mi avance:

*This class will control all the atributes of the products that the system is going to
public class Producto {

String nombre; // name of product (this is only for tests)
int numProducto; // id of the product
float precio; // cost
int numEscoba; / / Indicator of avalability for this product
numTrapeador int / / indicator of avalibity for this product

Product (String name, int price) { = name
/ / this is for tests
this.precio = price;}

asignarExistencia void (int e) {

existence = e;}

Mop Mop Mop = new ("Mop", 16); / / part of the tests
trapeador.asignarExistencia ( 100);

new broom broom broom = ("Clean Sweep", 15);
escoba.asignarExistencia (100);
Tests MAIN function

/ ** This will toString returns a representation of the data of the products.
* /
public String toString () {return
"employee No." + partNum + "Name:" + name + / / part of the tests
"Salary:" + price;}

/ ** This method check the Availability of the products return true if
There exists enough products out or form a false return
If There Are Not any more products.
* / protected boolean

availability (String product) {
if ((product == "mop") & & numTrapeador! = 0) {
return true;}

else if ((product == "broom") & & numTrapeador! = 0) {
return true;}

else {return false;

/ * System.out. println ("No" + product + "s available


The compilation and generation of JavaDoc of the class:

Y here the final outcome of the class documentation:

And the details of the methods contained in the class so far.

Greetings! = D

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voices are heard say it is necessary to invest more in education in the Canary Islands because it is devoting 25% of the budget of the Autonomous Community. Well forget commitments before the Parliament itself and the public Canaries. From AMPAs Coordinated Tenerife not forget (see Annex I). Those same voices ignored, for example, in the Canary Islands in 1998 was devoted to education 30% of the budget. We went back, like a crab. Why now spend less? Also ignored in any serious study uses the percentage of education budget by a country, region or autonomous community as an indicator of investment in education. The indicators used are the percentage of investment in education relative to GDP (gross domestic product), ie about the wealth of a region, and the average expenditure per pupil.

The first indicator, did not advance until 2006 Canarias one iota (4.5% of GDP), that is until data are available. Without doubt, the 2010 and 2011 cuts will mean a significant decline in this indicator. The second indicator, according to a recent study (2010), Canary Islands is at the bottom, next to Madrid in expenditure per student in non-university education. Canary is not investing heavily in education, it is the Autonomous Region led the investment, rather stuck and tail. Adequately cover the losses of teachers requires investment, addressing students in their diversity requires investment, improve public education offer a line of increasing the quality and equity requires investment. Recent statements responsible for analysis of PISA in the Canary Islands as it backs it clearly stated that more investment is needed "not only economically, but expectations and aspirations." According to the expert in education, greater economic investment is needed: "we need more investment in education," he said. The rate of investment can be influenced by socioeconomic status, but if our intention is to create conditions for increased educational and cultural level of all citizens, what is needed is not more cuts in education (as it is doing the Canary Islands Government) but investment (as recommended experts), to at least the average of OECD countries in relation to Gross Domestic Product (PIB.).

Annex I
"In order to increase employment opportunities for our people, we must continue to improve training standards of the canaries. Canary Islands has experienced a breakthrough but can not be complacent. Society changes, develops, and the educational system faces new challenges, the result of a global society that demands professionals. To do this we must begin by strengthening the foundations: financing. This new government is committed to ensuring adequate funding of the education system increasing in the next four years the education budget to approach optimal levels of investment in relation to gross domestic product, the average of OECD countries. "
( inauguration speech Mr Paulino Rivero Baute, July 2007 .)

In Santa Cruz de Tenerife, February 17, 2011

Download press release in PDF

Need To Program My Io Remote

ILP press conference by the Education Act Canaria

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Increased Cervical Mucus

V CONVENCION-Congresista Hildebrando Tapia

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Calls Night Tiffany Ashton

Documentation and development tools (CLASS)

Good evening, this entry will comment about the importance of documentation of a program and / or programming project.

First of all, what does documentation?

Well, according to Wikipedia, is defined as the science of documentation information processing. Integrated and globalized, it is an enriching and general knowledge of field multidisciplinary or interdisciplinary.

However, in my opinion the documentation is a very useful tool, since through it we have access to endless information we might need at some point, whether it was something we did some time ago and need to return to review it or someone else's shared haiga to help anyone who is stuck in "x" problem. In addition, if at a certain point you have to abandon the project that you are making, documentation Haller developed at the beginning of this will help the programmer to take your place, continue to develop the project based on the original philosophy that document at the beginning of this.

In the area of \u200b\u200bprogramming documentation plays a crucial role for those who are developing in this profession, we can explore a variety of tools to implement in our programs and to facilitate the development of these and to adapt strategies or hints or experiences from other programs that perform such documentation of their work and projects to help others who are just beginning or those who already know but want to develop further.

Well, now I will use tool for documenting my project will JavaDoc

And for that I will draw, in the tutorial that provides the same JAVA, located at the following link:

The methodology that I intend to practice documentation of my project is to do it every which considers that such progress would suffer no modifications, which have some "insurance" in order to document it.

also found a very useful tool for Java documentation also called DrJava can download and view more information about this tool here:

And if you installed procedure to create your JavaDoc are here:

's all for this post greetings, and have a good night:)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Bats Found In Christmas Trees

More than 30,000 signatures for a Canary Law of Education to improve Public Education

"progressively achieve the 7% GDP "

Platform Initiative for Defense Public School Canaria and Social Movement Another Education is Possible drivers Popular Legislative Initiative First Law of Education Canaria has delivered this morning in Parliament Canario 35,239 signatures in support of the Law , first presented in the Canaries on education from a global perspective.

The sheets signed by a broad representation of people of all Canary Islands are the manifestation of the support of various educational communities (AMPAs, teachers, students of legal age, non-teaching staff) and many other institutions, organizations and representative groups in education and all citizens of the Canary Islands have been mobilized for collection in a period of three months. They all want to thank you sincerely for your support and collaboration.

This Act reflects the need to regulate and define the Canary Islands, through its own Education Act, all those aspects and characteristics that are differential with respect to state law in education.

We are aware that a parliamentary majority required for approval of a Law of Education Canaria. Therefore, the Commission Promotora are interviewing the three political groups in the Parliament of the Canary Islands: PSOE, PP and CC, those who have requested a ruling favorable and support for this law to be processed as soon as possible and be supported by the entire Parliament

The ILP, which showed a brief diagnosis of the current situation of education in the Canary Islands , shows the main problems: leaving and academic failure, low investment, drastically cut in the low coverage of teachers, no public offer of 0-3 years, unjustified reduction of the public offering of various teaching (training, language training, teaching adults) ... data put us in general to the tail of State and European Union investment and results. Por este motivo, uno de los objetivos que se persiguen con esta ILP es que se incremente anualmente la inversión en educación hasta alcanzar, al menos, un 7% del Producto Interior Bruto, ya que hoy apenas se supera el 4% del PIB.

Esta Ley se compone de una exposición de motivos y seis artículos entre los cuales se explicita que “las políticas educativas de la Comunidad Autónoma Canaria precisan de un cambio urgente y visible de las decisiones en materia educativa, encaminadas a incrementar la calidad, la equidad, la eficacia y la eficiencia de nuestro sistema educativo”. Y, entre sus objetivos, persigue la “consecución del éxito escolar de todo el alumnado y disminuir significativamente las early school dropout rates. " In its Article 5 faced 29 actions, and targets to improve the current situation, that run throughout the education system from early childhood education, to Primary, Secondary, High Schools and Vocational Training, also reaching both University Education and Adult Continuing Education.

The ILP, given the time, you run the risk of not being debated in the legislature, as it seems, the last regular plenary session of Parliament is planned for the second half of March. In any case, would be discussed at the next parliamentary term.

For these reasons, la Comisión Promotora está solicitando el pronunciamiento explícito de los actuales grupos parlamentarios, como si fuera el caso, también de todos los partidos que se presenten a las próximas elecciones autonómicas, con la finalidad de que el electorado conozca su posicionamiento respecto al sistema educativo público en Canarias y, concretamente, en lo que se refiere a esta ILP ”Por una Ley Canaria de Educación”.

Dada la importancia para el conjunto de la población del asunto que plantea esta Iniciativa Legislativa Popular, la educación, la Comisión Promotora espera que el conjunto de los parlamentarios y parlamentarias canarios decidan su toma en consideración, aporten todos los aspectos improvement that really move forward in achieving a quality public education system and, ultimately, the support with your vote. The social debate is open and the signatures collected and delivered, and now we pass the baton to the Canary Islands Parliament to assume its responsibility and establish procedures for consultation and participation necessary to actually pass a law Canaria Education that meets the objectives Popular in this Legislative Initiative.

Santa Cruz de Tenerife, February 10, 2011

Defense Initiative Public School Canaria and Social Movement Another Education is Possible

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Inheritance in my Project (SHOP)

Good morning, here I show my program codes and with the modifications and additions inheritance relationships.

Class Material.

 pooproyect package; 

public class Material {/ / private class materials Pope

m / / q cantica features
private / / private
product cost c; / / Private

materials and broom / / products manufactured private
mop t / / at the factory
public void () {private int

paloplastico private int / / materials for private int
palomadera brooms;
private int wire;

} public void

mop () {private int

mop private int;
paloplastico private int / / materials for making mops
palomadera private int; private int


Class Order.

 pooproyect package; 

public class Order extends Material {private int copies

/ / number of copies required

standard public void () {

/ / The client will choose the amount of products you wish to agree to
/ / standard from the factory

} public void
custom () {

/ * The client may choose the materials you want for the product you want to purchase
* /


Product Class

 pooproyect package; 

public class Order extends Product {/ * inheritance relationship in order, as the statistics
which is responsible for determining this kind
directly from orders or orders by clients * / private String

broom; / / are the products sold
private string mop,

cost public void () {/ / responsible for conducting statistical sales

private int / / number of unit sales
private int / / cost of manufacture private int
product price / / int final price
private utilities / / total gain in the order
private int lost; / / Total loss on the order


That's what you believe in concordance with the suggestions given to me by Dr. Elisa, if you have any questions, clarification, questions, comments or suggestions comment: 3


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Mean Phone Pranks Std

Inheritance in my project. (CLASS)

Well, in this post I will explain the inheritance relationships between classes and attributes in my project.

Talking with Dr. Elisa in class, I made some observations that I believe change in the design of my project for the better implementation of it in the back entrance to this for the workshop, and to enclose the code changes implemented, in addition to the inheritance relations of the same classes.

The changes I made was choosing to have only 2 fixed products on sale, instead of "n" as it was referred to the beginning so that eliminates inventory and create another class called Material, where both products are declared and has as attributes of the same materials to manage here, and the Product class had previously intended to add products that the company wanted to sell, now in charge fails to make the pure statistics of the products manufactured and sold. The idea of \u200b\u200bthese modifications was to inheritance relationships may exist because the statistics Products depend on orders from these customers, and the order depends on the inventory of materials or products which have thus to make a successful sale. Now

regarding this entry in the 3rd week, at the suggestion of Dr., choose to add new attributes to my classes so they can have a real relationship of inheritance.

what he meant by inheritance, was that it is a relationship you enter two or more classes that have characteristics in common but each has a different function, but that this function can only be done by the interaction between their own attributes with the attribute have in common with the other class and is the parent class or some kind sister.

The first relation of inheritance to consider in my project pipelining in the Order class, the class material would be the pope and that depending on the materials there will be the successful orders will be. In that class Order add 2 attributes, Standardized Products and Custom Products (these would come to be brothers). Standardized products, have as main feature unlike his brothers who are completely defined and standardized their sizes, shapes, colors, etc.. while the Custom, the to make prudent to suit the client, remain brooms and mops, but the client decides if he wants a certain material-specific and a specific size in case you want for a child or so. each with its own characteristics but still have a share that is closely related and both are still products manufactured by specific materials.

Standard Product ; ; Custom Product

The second inheritance relationship would be in class products, which would be the son of the Class Order, and that is where we are going to check the statistics of sales data from the Class Order, because that is where orders are placed.

Monday, February 7, 2011

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attention to students with special needs should not based on voluntary or limited to labeling

In recent months the Ministry of Education, Universities, Culture and Sports has been working intensively rules with regard to attention to students with special educational support (NEAE). In August 2010 the Decree 104/2010 (BOC No 154 of August 6) for regulating attention to student diversity in the field of non-university education in the Canary Islands and in September the Order to develops the organization and operation of equipment of educational psychologists de Canarias (BOC No 181 of 14 September). December 13 (BOC no 250, December 22) published the order regulating attention to students with NEAE in the Autonomous Community of Canary
and the resolution that develops the Order is currently under public information.

In these regulations are new elements that could contribute to improving care for these students but there are also aspects that can lead to a worsening in the educational response to these pupils by schools.

Increased the number of students with NEAE need to equip schools in therapeutic pedagogy faculty. This resource is restricted to students diagnosed with special educational needs intellectual deficits, motor, sensory, pervasive developmental disorder and severe behavioral disorders, leaving out the most common difficulties in our schools: attention deficit disorders and / or hyperactivity / ADHD - specific learning difficulties, dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, DEA, and special personal or school-ECPHE history, etc.

work is overloaded and responsibilities of tutor teachers in working conditions that facilitate these new skills NOT : overcrowded classrooms which make difficult any measure of attention to diversity or individual instruction, lack of time for coordination with the other teachers involved in their group, innovative teaching resource scarcity, lack of advice, more bureaucracy ...

It introduces the volunteer staff as a collaborator in supporting students with NEAE. The parents' associations or public or private institutions, by treaty or protocol of collaboration with the Ministry of Education, may provide such staff schools under certain conditions. We welcome this figure provided not supplant the need to involve staffing and resource support from the Ministry of Education .

On the other hand, the role of families in the curricular adaptations for students with learning mismatches seems restricted, as mere "information receivers", but it is not clear. In the 9th statement of the resolution says "the tutor to inform families of the adaptation or adaptations ...", while the 4a statement says" may the fathers, mothers know (...) [ curriculum adaptation paper] if requested to center. "The critical issue of adaptation in the curriculum of a school and the implications for the future (promotion, graduation, etc..) requires that families are not only informed but to give explicit support for such a decision caliber.

The text also specifies the adaptations to the curriculum for pupils with hearing impairment, visual or motor and discussed, by way of example: reading systems Braille, cued speech, the English sign language, computer or instrumental devices and accessories. But what will develop personal resources? How does this statement of intent with the path cuts being carried out by the Ministry of Education during the last five years?

attention to students with special needs should not be based on voluntary or faculty or staff outside the school, nor should be directed to the mere labeling of students, that is, to diagnose and name to their specific needs. Coordinated AMPAs

From Tenerife the role of the Autonomous Educational Administration is to create conditions for proper development care to students with specific educational support needs ensuring : the reduction of class size, the allocation to each school in a proper and stable workforce of teachers and support professionals (teachers of therapeutic pedagogy, guiding and orienting, speech therapists, occupational therapists, social workers, educators and social workers), training of all teachers on measures of attention to diversity, the low coverage limits to ensure adequate attention to all students, the allocation of resources complementary human public schools, the resourcing of information technology and communication, promoting educational autonomy of schools in relation to its organization and development of programs and projects and the promotion of active participation of families in school.

In Santa Cruz de Tenerife, February 6, 2011

Download press release in PDF

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

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declared Classes (Code) (Workshop)

Here attached the code where the classes are declared in the previous post I mentioned that I intend to use for the development of my project. Compiled but obviously when you run do not show anything does not contain the main function.

Class products:

 pooproyect package; 
java.util.Scanner import;

public class Product {private String

products, private
Scanner keyboard;

; public void add () {

/ * here you add the products to be manufactured, stored and modified
* /}


Class Inventory:

 pooproyect package; 

public class Inventory {private
m Cantica private
private cost c ;

public void register () {

/ * and methods, would add functions to add
materials along with the quantity that was acquired and how much each piece cost .* /


Class Order:

 pooproyect package; 

public class Order {private int copies

/ / number of copies required

public void search ()

{/ * According to the quantity of products required
verify inventory and decide whether you can proceed with the production of such product
or is canceled for lack of a material * /

Class Cost:

 pooproyect package; 

public class Cost {private int

sales / / sales quantity
private int unit, / / \u200b\u200bcost for manufacturing product price
private int / / int final price
private utilities / / total profit in order
lost private int / / total loss on the order

public void load () {

/ * after completing the survey with the previous data will be made
a calculation that can predict whether the product
leave a good profit or losses caused only * /


is my progress por el momento, para cualquier duda comenten a ver qué  les pareció, y sugieran o hagánme observaciones si notan que hay algo que omití, debo cambiar o mejorar, como anteriormente lo he dicho, siempre es bueno tener segundas opiniones para que algo que quieras hacer te pueda salir más que bien ;)

Saludos a todos! 

Adán Silva