Friday, January 21, 2011

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Hildebrando Tapia postula al Parlamento Andino por lista de PPK

In an interview with RPP Noticias, the congressman said he would not seek re-election because he wants to 'make way for new pictures to new values. "

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Link Andean Parliament as a candidate for the Alliance for the Great Shift with the number 1. I hope I acompeƱes and join the Latin American integration, standardization of technical college and in the region, approval of the liabilities of social security between the Andean region. for equal treatment of citizens of the region in the entry and visa application to the United States. For the promotion of student mobility of young people in the region, through exchange of students, knowledge, experience, experiences, sport, culture, turimos activate the Andean Youth Card, among others. Potential Andean Parliament for citizens continue reducing safeguards to prodcutos traded among the Andean countries to more expensive products. Soon I will be sharing more of our proposals for the Andean Parliament is an active entity and efficient in our identity and integration in the Latin American region.
Together with PPK and the Alliance for the great change in the Andean Parliament

Hildebrando Tapia

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