Saturday, October 30, 2010

How Long Does It Take To Conceive On Metformin

rating Demonstration Initiative in Defence of Public Education. November 28, 2010. Santa Cruz de Tenerife.


The demonstration took place yesterday on 28 has been a successful educational communities of schools and colleges of the island. This mobilization of thousands of people, unprecedented protests in support of public education, attracted a large representation of AMPAs of Tenerife and families, which dynamized the call. Throughout the course of the demonstration have been outspoken mothers and fathers, students and groups of teachers. Also representations of unions and political parties chanted slogans and songs in favor of quality and greater investment in public education. These groups were joined by batucadas organized by students and teachers. We must make special mention of the collaboration of interpreters using sign language offered a possibility of communication for deaf people. The demonstration

was a great performance by members of groups and organizations "Initiative for the Defense of Public Education Canaria", promoted by ampas Coordinates of Tenerife. The mobilization has come to reflect dissatisfaction with the terrible start of the course, where the protests of AMPAs, Cloisters, School Boards and Municipal Councils of Education have been increasing, with regard to the delay in the appointment of faculty, staff incomplete the lack of replacements, the lack of budget for extracurricular activities and Dining Service, the lack of places in Training Professional and Secondary Education, the delay in the refurbishment of schools, etc.

The vast majority of people in attendance, representatives of families, students and faculty held demonstrations that come to reflect the great discontent that exists in schools, both elementary and primary and secondary schools. Participants agreed on the need to keep the protests at all sites where performance problems are detected that affect the quality of education, while there was a call for unity of action. In that sense, it has stressed the need to denounce, without rest, the bad management of the Ministry of Education Canary Islands Government. And while working for the People's Legislative Initiative (ILP) that engages the Parliament of the Canary Islands to discuss proposals for improving the Public Service Education. This will be the next task at educational communities and the organizations that have formed the initiative for the Defense of Public Education Canaria.

AMPAs Coordinates of Tenerife
October 29, 2010.


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