Wednesday, March 30, 2011

How Much Do Pearl Earrings Sell For

Implementation Patterns (WORKSHOP)

Well enclose lines of code in which I believe are present Iterator design patterns and the Interpreter.

Iterator Pattern

 System.out.println ("Inventory list \\ n"); 
imprimir.list.iterator Iterator iter = () / / traverse the list of names of stored products and print
while (iter.hasNext ())
System.out.println ("Name:" + ());
Iterator iter = ();
while (itera.hasNext ()) / / through the list of ID's saved and printed
System.out.println ("ID:" + ());
iterac = imprimir.listcant.iterator
Iterator ();
while (iterac.hasNext ()) / / through the list of quantities of products stored and printed
System.out.println ("Available:" + ());
iteration = imprimir.listprice
Iterator. iterator (); / / Down the list of prices for goods stored and printed
while (iteraci.hasNext ())
System.out.println ("Unit Price:" + ());}

Here} iterators touring show data structures to see if there is information stored and then print the information.

------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------
-------------- Interpreter Pattern

 public class Product {public 

String name;
private int ID, Quantity; / / Named attributes to add products
private float price;

list = new ArrayList (); / / generate lists of data that we store
List list = new ArrayList (); / / List the inventory
listcant = new ArrayList ();
List listprice = new ArrayList ();
protected void

ingproducto () / / method which accede to enter
{Integer ID = new Integer ( 0), / / \u200b\u200bcreate an object to store integer data
Float Price = new Float (0); / / create a data object to store a floating
read = new Scanner (;

System.out.println ("Product Data Entry);
System . out.println ("============================="); / / menu of options for discharging a product
System.out.println ("Enter the Name->");
lectura.nextLine Name = () / / save the name
list.add (name) / / add to the list
System.out. println ("Enter Product ID->");
ID = lectura.nextInt () / / save the ID
listid.add (ID) / / add to the list
System.out.println ("Enter the number of products available->");
Quantity = reading . nextInt (); / / save the amount
listcant.add (Quantity) / / add to the list
System.out.println ("Enter the Product Price->");
lectura.nextFloat Price = (); / / keep the price
listprice.add (Price) / / add to the list


Since only found in the java API declaration lists for String data types, create objects that would allow me to save and read data types integer and floating it as a specialized language, as originally stated was not the case.


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