Thursday, January 13, 2011

Philips Sonicare Montreal

Debatiremos Boliviamar en próxima legislatura

asked him to head the list of candidates for Junín. It's time to make way for new paintings. One should not typecast in the re-election, we must put aside those attitudes, said the senator. said that next Monday will announce at a press conference in Huancayo, who the candidates for Congress by the Alliance for the Great
Source Foreign Relations Committee, Samaniego Hildebrando Tapia (UN) announced that the group will resume the coordination work for a Peruvian congressional delegation to meet with their U.S. counterparts to prevent the passage of more laws against the rights of migrants .
likewise president of the Special Commission of Peruvians Abroad, recalled that the trip was cut short because of the congressional elections in the United States, so he said now we are concerned that the new U.S. Congress has on its agenda discussion of drastic rules that jeopardize the integrity and basic rights of migrants in that country. In this regard, expressed its outrage and deep concern for the unfortunate fact that has mourned the State of Arizona in the United States, perpetrated the attack against Democrat Gabrielle Giffords, on Saturday.

" We are in a time that is not permissible under any circumstances the suppression of freedom of thought and expression " the legislator said recalling that the Committee under his chairmanship had approved some months ago a visit to parliament U.S. to begin a dialogue with some representatives of that Congress to rescind SB 1070, called Arizona law, are considered to undermine the fundamental rights of migrants.

LINK podía decidir quién llega a Palacio (de Gobierno) ", dijo en declaraciones a RPP Noticias. Fuente :
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