Technical Specification.
■ Introduction.
The project I decided to make a Management and Production System a business of cleaning for the home (can apply to other businesses as well.)
■ What is the project?
In developing a simple yet effective to help the micro-entrepreneur in the administration of the products it sells and the production thereof. It is intended that the system takes orders from customers and notifies them if they come to be taking into account the materials and / or products that you count, inventory updates, pricing and go well with this data to generate statistics such van sales, which products sell more than products not sold, so that the business owner makes decisions about the future of it, which must continue to sell for more profit and keep climbing in the market or what to remove .
■ Advantages using System
Among the advantages that will use this system are:
► Manage inventory of well-sorted and classified. ►
Better management of the business to know the gains that are obtained and / or losses. ►
Reduce the waiting time of confirmation of order from a customer. ►
Easy access to the system to abandon the need to hire a professional. ►
system flexibility to accommodate different types of businesses.
■ Development of the project.
► Tools System development.
This project is planned for development of Ubuntu Linux due to the wide range of development tools and applications that account to make kinder the programming process.
language that Java will be scheduled due to any number of libraries that can be useful that you can also develop graphical interfaces simply import a library and without having to install external packages how in the case of other languages Object Oriented Programming.
► Development Methodology
Initially I have a class called Product. Product
will add and modify everything about them, name, features, price, etc.. I also think it will be convenient
three classes, Inventory, Order and Statistics.
Inventory: is where you store materials and / or existing products would initially be generated in a. Txt and then could move to a SQL database.
Order: will manage customer products and link them to the inventory, thus giving the green light to the completion of the sale or el cliente tiene que esperar para que le sean entregados sus productos.
Estadística: su función será más que nada tomar toda la información que se haya generado de los pedidos y realizará estadísticas acerca de utilidades, perdidas, costos de producir más, etc que el dueño podrá revisar para determinar si debe cambiar algo, seguir igual o idear alguna idea nueva de promoción del negocio.
En la siguiente etapa , cuando ya esten bien estructuradas esas clases iniciales, vendrá la etapa de pruebas para verificar que cada clase, métodos y atributos esten funcionando de manera correcta y eficiente de lo contrario habra que correct the errors presented, in the case where the base of the project is working perfectly, you could do an open survey among the same co-workers or better yet, apply such a survey people who are mixed up in the middle (micro) for see another kind of process would be desirable to add and / or optimize the system development and ultimately the project will be for them.
Then in the next and penultimate stage will engage in appearance and presentation give the system a good simple graphical interface that is easy access and navigation for the convenience of the user who will handle the system.
Finally, would the last stage, the stage of promotion.
What will such a stage?
In presenting the draft system to people who have their business and want to optimize the management and production system for your business, assess the situation and the interest of the customer who wants to acquire the system to suit your needs and can use in your business as soon as possible.
■ Conclusions
In conclusion, I am very excited about the development of this project will be key in my development as a programmer, I hope to complete it successfully and can help micro-enterprise society in the city since this system is thought of them, like me who are developing and seeking to become major producers of what they do.
Project Manager:
Adam Jesus Silva Cuellar
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