Aquí está la representación de la documentación de la Clase Producto de mi programa.
Como lo mencione en entradas pasadas, modificaría considerablemente el diseño de mi código y adjunto aquí algo de mi avance:
*This class will control all the atributes of the products that the system is going to
public class Producto {
String nombre; // name of product (this is only for tests)
int numProducto; // id of the product
float precio; // cost
int numEscoba; / / Indicator of avalability for this product
numTrapeador int / / indicator of avalibity for this product
Product (String name, int price) { = name
/ / this is for tests
this.precio = price;}
asignarExistencia void (int e) {
existence = e;}
Mop Mop Mop = new ("Mop", 16); / / part of the tests
trapeador.asignarExistencia ( 100);
new broom broom broom = ("Clean Sweep", 15);
escoba.asignarExistencia (100);
Tests MAIN function
/ ** This will toString returns a representation of the data of the products.
* /
public String toString () {return
"employee No." + partNum + "Name:" + name + / / part of the tests
"Salary:" + price;}
/ ** This method check the Availability of the products return true if
There exists enough products out or form a false return
If There Are Not any more products.
* / protected boolean
availability (String product) {
if ((product == "mop") & & numTrapeador! = 0) {
return true;}
else if ((product == "broom") & & numTrapeador! = 0) {
return true;}
else {return false;
/ * System.out. println ("No" + product + "s available
The compilation and generation of JavaDoc of the class:
Y here the final outcome of the class documentation:
And the details of the methods contained in the class so far.
Greetings! = D
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