Well, in this post I will explain the inheritance relationships between classes and attributes in my project.
Talking with Dr. Elisa in class, I made some observations that I believe change in the design of my project for the better implementation of it in the back entrance to this for the workshop, and to enclose the code changes implemented, in addition to the inheritance relations of the same classes.
The changes I made was choosing to have only 2 fixed products on sale, instead of "n" as it was referred to the beginning so that eliminates inventory and create another class called Material, where both products are declared and has as attributes of the same materials to manage here, and the Product class had previously intended to add products that the company wanted to sell, now in charge fails to make the pure statistics of the products manufactured and sold. The idea of \u200b\u200bthese modifications was to inheritance relationships may exist because the statistics Products depend on orders from these customers, and the order depends on the inventory of materials or products which have thus to make a successful sale. Now
regarding this entry in the 3rd week, at the suggestion of Dr., choose to add new attributes to my classes so they can have a real relationship of inheritance.
what he meant by inheritance, was that it is a relationship you enter two or more classes that have characteristics in common but each has a different function, but that this function can only be done by the interaction between their own attributes with the attribute have in common with the other class and is the parent class or some kind sister.
The first relation of inheritance to consider in my project pipelining in the Order class, the class material would be the pope and that depending on the materials there will be the successful orders will be. In that class Order add 2 attributes, Standardized Products and Custom Products (these would come to be brothers). Standardized products, have as main feature unlike his brothers who are completely defined and standardized their sizes, shapes, colors, etc.. while the Custom, the to make prudent to suit the client, remain brooms and mops, but the client decides if he wants a certain material-specific and a specific size in case you want for a child or so. each with its own characteristics but still have a share that is closely related and both are still products manufactured by specific materials.
Standard Product ; ; Custom Product
The second inheritance relationship would be in class products, which would be the son of the Class Order, and that is where we are going to check the statistics of sales data from the Class Order, because that is where orders are placed.
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