In recent months the Ministry of Education, Universities, Culture and Sports has been working intensively rules with regard to attention to students with special educational support (NEAE). In August 2010 the Decree 104/2010 (BOC No 154 of August 6) for regulating attention to student diversity in the field of non-university education in the Canary Islands and in September the Order to develops the organization and operation of equipment of educational psychologists de Canarias (BOC No 181 of 14 September). December 13 (BOC no 250, December 22) published the order regulating attention to students with NEAE in the Autonomous Community of Canary
and the resolution that develops the Order is currently under public information.
In these regulations are new elements that could contribute to improving care for these students but there are also aspects that can lead to a worsening in the educational response to these pupils by schools.
Increased the number of students with NEAE need to equip schools in therapeutic pedagogy faculty. This resource is restricted to students diagnosed with special educational needs intellectual deficits, motor, sensory, pervasive developmental disorder and severe behavioral disorders, leaving out the most common difficulties in our schools: attention deficit disorders and / or hyperactivity / ADHD - specific learning difficulties, dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, DEA, and special personal or school-ECPHE history, etc.
work is overloaded and responsibilities of tutor teachers in working conditions that facilitate these new skills NOT : overcrowded classrooms which make difficult any measure of attention to diversity or individual instruction, lack of time for coordination with the other teachers involved in their group, innovative teaching resource scarcity, lack of advice, more bureaucracy ...
It introduces the volunteer staff as a collaborator in supporting students with NEAE. The parents' associations or public or private institutions, by treaty or protocol of collaboration with the Ministry of Education, may provide such staff schools under certain conditions. We welcome this figure provided not supplant the need to involve staffing and resource support from the Ministry of Education .
On the other hand, the role of families in the curricular adaptations for students with learning mismatches seems restricted, as mere "information receivers", but it is not clear. In the 9th statement of the resolution says "the tutor to inform families of the adaptation or adaptations ...", while the 4a statement says" may the fathers, mothers know (...) [ curriculum adaptation paper] if requested to center. "The critical issue of adaptation in the curriculum of a school and the implications for the future (promotion, graduation, etc..) requires that families are not only informed but to give explicit support for such a decision caliber.
The text also specifies the adaptations to the curriculum for pupils with hearing impairment, visual or motor and discussed, by way of example: reading systems Braille, cued speech, the English sign language, computer or instrumental devices and accessories. But what will develop personal resources? How does this statement of intent with the path cuts being carried out by the Ministry of Education during the last five years?
attention to students with special needs should not be based on voluntary or faculty or staff outside the school, nor should be directed to the mere labeling of students, that is, to diagnose and name to their specific needs. Coordinated AMPAs
From Tenerife the role of the Autonomous Educational Administration is to create conditions for proper development care to students with specific educational support needs ensuring : the reduction of class size, the allocation to each school in a proper and stable workforce of teachers and support professionals (teachers of therapeutic pedagogy, guiding and orienting, speech therapists, occupational therapists, social workers, educators and social workers), training of all teachers on measures of attention to diversity, the low coverage limits to ensure adequate attention to all students, the allocation of resources complementary human public schools, the resourcing of information technology and communication, promoting educational autonomy of schools in relation to its organization and development of programs and projects and the promotion of active participation of families in school.
In Santa Cruz de Tenerife, February 6, 2011
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