Thursday, February 10, 2011

Bats Found In Christmas Trees

More than 30,000 signatures for a Canary Law of Education to improve Public Education

"progressively achieve the 7% GDP "

Platform Initiative for Defense Public School Canaria and Social Movement Another Education is Possible drivers Popular Legislative Initiative First Law of Education Canaria has delivered this morning in Parliament Canario 35,239 signatures in support of the Law , first presented in the Canaries on education from a global perspective.

The sheets signed by a broad representation of people of all Canary Islands are the manifestation of the support of various educational communities (AMPAs, teachers, students of legal age, non-teaching staff) and many other institutions, organizations and representative groups in education and all citizens of the Canary Islands have been mobilized for collection in a period of three months. They all want to thank you sincerely for your support and collaboration.

This Act reflects the need to regulate and define the Canary Islands, through its own Education Act, all those aspects and characteristics that are differential with respect to state law in education.

We are aware that a parliamentary majority required for approval of a Law of Education Canaria. Therefore, the Commission Promotora are interviewing the three political groups in the Parliament of the Canary Islands: PSOE, PP and CC, those who have requested a ruling favorable and support for this law to be processed as soon as possible and be supported by the entire Parliament

The ILP, which showed a brief diagnosis of the current situation of education in the Canary Islands , shows the main problems: leaving and academic failure, low investment, drastically cut in the low coverage of teachers, no public offer of 0-3 years, unjustified reduction of the public offering of various teaching (training, language training, teaching adults) ... data put us in general to the tail of State and European Union investment and results. Por este motivo, uno de los objetivos que se persiguen con esta ILP es que se incremente anualmente la inversión en educación hasta alcanzar, al menos, un 7% del Producto Interior Bruto, ya que hoy apenas se supera el 4% del PIB.

Esta Ley se compone de una exposición de motivos y seis artículos entre los cuales se explicita que “las políticas educativas de la Comunidad Autónoma Canaria precisan de un cambio urgente y visible de las decisiones en materia educativa, encaminadas a incrementar la calidad, la equidad, la eficacia y la eficiencia de nuestro sistema educativo”. Y, entre sus objetivos, persigue la “consecución del éxito escolar de todo el alumnado y disminuir significativamente las early school dropout rates. " In its Article 5 faced 29 actions, and targets to improve the current situation, that run throughout the education system from early childhood education, to Primary, Secondary, High Schools and Vocational Training, also reaching both University Education and Adult Continuing Education.

The ILP, given the time, you run the risk of not being debated in the legislature, as it seems, the last regular plenary session of Parliament is planned for the second half of March. In any case, would be discussed at the next parliamentary term.

For these reasons, la Comisión Promotora está solicitando el pronunciamiento explícito de los actuales grupos parlamentarios, como si fuera el caso, también de todos los partidos que se presenten a las próximas elecciones autonómicas, con la finalidad de que el electorado conozca su posicionamiento respecto al sistema educativo público en Canarias y, concretamente, en lo que se refiere a esta ILP ”Por una Ley Canaria de Educación”.

Dada la importancia para el conjunto de la población del asunto que plantea esta Iniciativa Legislativa Popular, la educación, la Comisión Promotora espera que el conjunto de los parlamentarios y parlamentarias canarios decidan su toma en consideración, aporten todos los aspectos improvement that really move forward in achieving a quality public education system and, ultimately, the support with your vote. The social debate is open and the signatures collected and delivered, and now we pass the baton to the Canary Islands Parliament to assume its responsibility and establish procedures for consultation and participation necessary to actually pass a law Canaria Education that meets the objectives Popular in this Legislative Initiative.

Santa Cruz de Tenerife, February 10, 2011

Defense Initiative Public School Canaria and Social Movement Another Education is Possible


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