Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Breast Cancer Graphs Charts

declared Classes (Code) (Workshop)

Here attached the code where the classes are declared in the previous post I mentioned that I intend to use for the development of my project. Compiled but obviously when you run do not show anything does not contain the main function.

Class products:

 pooproyect package; 
java.util.Scanner import;

public class Product {private String

products, private
Scanner keyboard;

; public void add () {

/ * here you add the products to be manufactured, stored and modified
* /}


Class Inventory:

 pooproyect package; 

public class Inventory {private
m Cantica private
private cost c ;

public void register () {

/ * and methods, would add functions to add
materials along with the quantity that was acquired and how much each piece cost .* /


Class Order:

 pooproyect package; 

public class Order {private int copies

/ / number of copies required

public void search ()

{/ * According to the quantity of products required
verify inventory and decide whether you can proceed with the production of such product
or is canceled for lack of a material * /

Class Cost:

 pooproyect package; 

public class Cost {private int

sales / / sales quantity
private int unit, / / \u200b\u200bcost for manufacturing product price
private int / / int final price
private utilities / / total profit in order
lost private int / / total loss on the order

public void load () {

/ * after completing the survey with the previous data will be made
a calculation that can predict whether the product
leave a good profit or losses caused only * /


is my progress por el momento, para cualquier duda comenten a ver qué  les pareció, y sugieran o hagánme observaciones si notan que hay algo que omití, debo cambiar o mejorar, como anteriormente lo he dicho, siempre es bueno tener segundas opiniones para que algo que quieras hacer te pueda salir más que bien ;)

Saludos a todos! 

Adán Silva  


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